3 responses to “A Logo, Re-designed

  1. Rebecca Grose

    I found this to be a really interesting post..as someone who has no background in graphic design, the description of how a new logo is created was fascinating to me. And I think walking the reader thru the steps and what to consider before taking a job like this could be very helpful to someone just getting started. Thanks

  2. Mark

    Another great article. I enjoyed how you took us through the step by step process of redesign and the pitfalls the new designer can face when reworking the old logo. Very informative. Keep the articles coming!

  3. I especially enjoyed your analysis of “what is wrong with the original design” and your careful attitude about not being too cavalier about the design, immediately dismissing it as junk and automatically as the NEW designer know better . . . in this case, I do think it appears in the original design, the woman is “chasing” the man, rather than running beside him in a marathon, and the figures resemble less stylized runners and remind me of those creepy plumbing-pipe people in the antacid commercial.

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